Saturday, August 6, 2011

HOTD "Rainy Day"

It rained today and the quickest style was a Puff ! I didn't shampoo, I just let the water (from the shower) hit my hair a little to get my curls to pop pop and pop!! Pics below:

I applied Cantu Shea butter Leave -In Conditioner a "FOREVER Staple in my regime. My hair was moisturized the entire day!

For my edges I used Organic Root Stimulator "Edge Control".

I loved my results for the day!


  1. Your puff is too cute, healthy, and full. I love it! I also use Cantu Shea Butter Leave in. Its one of my staples, I am currently about to cheat with Shea Moisture growth milk. LOL. You and your hair looks amazing.

  2. love it!!!

  3. love it!!I stopped using the Cantu shea butter but I think ill try it again.
