The movie was based on a true story. The Netflix series recounts the five young boys Raymond Santana, 14, Kevin Richardson, 14, Antron McCray, 15, Yusef Salaam, 15, and Korey Wise, 16 who were falsely accused of the crime.
A result of coerced confessions landed the boys behind bars, each serving between six and 13 years.
The series has four parts.
In four episodes, it provides the account of the impact of the case on the lives of the defendants and their families.
The last episode focuses on Korey Wise and the episode exposes the horrors children experience when they are locked up with adults.
When They See Us should inspire people to recognize that crime-control policies and the racist ideas behind them must change.
I cried a few times. I watched the series twice. It might be hard to watch, but it’s a must see.