Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hair Color 2013

I colored my hair  again a few days before my birthday.  I stated in my last video that I would upload a vid, but I never got around to doing so :(  sorry!

I love my color! I'm a sucker for color!  I used Texture & Tones Lightest Blonde. Here's a few pics! My apologies lol.
Toy Toy is my Nickname :) Notice the  t on Birthday wasn't crossed smh :)

Braid and Curl

It's  funny because I didn't know anyone viewed my blog anymore :)
I checked my  blog stats and you guys are still following me! Cyber hugs!

 I love my short hair. It's very convenient  for me. Before I went natural I rocked  short hair all the time. 

FLASHBACK: Going to the shop with the possibility of  getting burned by the curling iron on the very short parts in the back. Ouch!

I simply put my hair in 5-6 plaits and apply perm rods on the ends. Simple right?

Doesn't get any better than that lol.

I use sheabutter and water to get my best braid outs.

At this point of my hair journey braid outs really work in my favor :)